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Whatever Your Issue, We Got You Covered!

ANTF has a wide assortment of products and services!


We Offer Local IT services to residents and small business's in York County and Lancaster County Pennsylvania as well as Baltimore and Harford County Maryland. We also offer remote support. Our prices are very reasonable and our clients love us. Email us at support@antfcorp.com to inquire or learn about jobs we have done.


In addition, we also develop and freely distribute a wide array of software including a fully featured Windows GUI overlay called Spectrum. We also have custom media players, and web browsers for download as well. (Requires Windows PC)


Finally, we also stick to our roots, and offer Club ANTF (ANTF Gaming), which is an online gaming experience consisting of a worldwide network of gamers across various platforms who network, become friends, and play games with each other and most importantly, have fun. Some have even got together in person and traveled! (Requires Windows Gaming PC, Nintendo Wiiu/3DS, or Microsoft Xbox 360)